Aug 6, 2023Liked by Jess Ratcliffe

Hi Jess!

Yes I feel EXACTLY the same..

I’ve been working really hard on my game and so I feel damned if I do a damned if don’t… in that if I don’t play well ,or score well , or hit it well ‘people’ think it’s awful for a single figure player to be like that , or if I do play well , score well , hit well… well that’s what I’m supposed to do !

I put too much pressure on my game in competition, and too much expectation and disappointment follows when I can’t translate my practice onto the course..

I definitely need to list the good things , the incremental gains and build from that !

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Hi Paul! Thank you so much for sharing that - I feel exactly the same in competition. It’s like I have such high expectations/hopes that I’m only setting myself up to feel disappointed! And even if I do well, I can find myself focusing on what I left out there rather than being happy as it was. I’m hoping the list of good things will help with that!

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Jess Ratcliffe

Hi Jess. You are remarkable and willing to put yourself out there, expressing your demons and concerns. You certainly are no imposter and have achieved so much in such a short time playing golf. You’re willing to examine and understand your self-analysis and input from friends – I am sure your three experiments will be a good foundation for moving forward. This has served as good eye opener for me and I’ll be giving the experiments a run, to help bring out Confident Paul.

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Hi Paul, thank you - that’s very kind! Yes! I love the idea of bringing out Confident Jess by working on those three experiments just like I do my golf game - practicing mindset as much as I do skill set. We can bring out our confident selves together!

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Jess Ratcliffe

Morning Jess.... as someone who had a big handicap reduction (albeit a while ago) I struggled with Imposter syndrome for quite a while. I enjoyed reading how you are working through your thoughts and completely agree with how you are dealing with it!! Your golf is amazing. With my own golf I now always remember the good and understand why the bad happens. Acceptance is the key imo. Keep the great work up ..... if you don't remember me I played with you at Hankley Common in the mixed Open 2022!! xx

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Hi Diana, of course I remember you! Thank you! I think that’s the key going forward - to remember the good and simply try to understand the bad, rather than beat myself up for it. Hope you’re well! xx

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